I’m not gonna lie…
I thought when the Columbia closed for Chinook retention August 20, Astoria was going to be a bummer and I’d move my trips up river above Warrior Rock and pound the Chinook at Ridgefield. What I didn’t expect was how freaking fun the Coho fishing would be! It was like nothing I’ve ever done before besides fishing in the ocean. Doubles, triples, quads, and even quintuplets once or twice! You flat out couldn’t spin an anchovy more than a few seconds before it got crushed some days. Unfortunately all good things have to come to and end and that end came when it poured in mid September and the water temperature dropped. The Coho that were schooled up like ravenous piranha in Astoria could smell home and they blew out of there in a hurry! Fortunately for me, I knew it was simply time to move back to my yard.
Fishing in St Helens at the Warrior Rock deadline was just like it always it. Nothing short of spectacular! Limits were the norm most days in the sun. Big fish, lots of fish, good time, and big smiles for customers are what it’s all about. There were a few days it was a tiny bit tougher, but not many. Pro Trolls spinning in the sun, spinners dancing behind them and Chinook slamming rods to water was my daily experience until we got shut down. Apparently you can have too much fun. Who knew?